Start by crafting anOnliness Statement—a positioning statement tool that forces you to concisely formulate the radical differentiation of your company vs. its competitors.
What you need:
-Brand Name
-What: Category
-How: Differentiation characteristic
-Who: Customer
-Where: Market Geography
-Why: Customer's need state
-When: Customer's underling trend
Write it like this:
[Brand Name]
is the only [What]
that [How]
for [Who]
in [Where]
who [Why]
in [When].
Harley Davidson
is the onlymotorcycle manufacturer thatmakes loud, big motorcycles formacho guys (and macho wannabees) inmostly in United States whowant to join a gang of cowboys inan era of decreasing personal freedom
This approach is not only essential for communication; it also defines your ideal strategy.