Digital Marketing Tips

How to write your own positioning statement

Start by crafting an Onliness Statement—a positioning statement tool that forces you to concisely formulate the radical differentiation of your company vs. its competitors.

What you need:

- Brand Name

- What: Category

- How: Differentiation characteristic

- Who: Customer

- Where: Market Geography

- Why: Customer's need state

- When: Customer's underling trend

Write it like this:

[Brand Name]

is the only [What]

that [How]

for [Who]

in [Where]

who [Why]

in [When].


Harley Davidson

is the only motorcycle manufacturer
makes loud, big motorcycles
macho guys (and macho wannabees)
mostly in United States
want to join a gang of cowboys
an era of decreasing personal freedom

This approach is not only essential for communication; it also defines your ideal strategy.

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