
The Sweet Spot of Content Marketing

There are two ways people discover content
1/ By searching for it
2/ By people sharing it
Occasionally a piece of content does both. It hits a big keyword and it's so awesome people share it.

We call this the content marketing sweet spot.

You get there by doing better and by doing more.

Doing better

Here's the thing, your goal isn't just to write content. It's also about creating things people love and find value in.

To do this, you can use the Topic Ikigai Framework.

1/ Doesn't exists in exact form

Ask yourself, "Does this exist on the internet today?" and if not, "Should it?". If you can answer those questions in confidence, consider pursuing the piece.

2/ Interesting

It's not just about being considerate. It's also much harder to get attention on an article that is the same as thousands of others on the Internet. "What makes it interesting?" "What is an interesting article for you?" "For your audience?"

3/ Something you can contribute about

It’s also hard to write a good article about something you don’t care about (that’s why writing was such a draining task in school). So you can do yourself, along with the rest of the world, a favor by simply considering, “What is something that I can uniquely contribute?”.

Done properly, you'll be able to produce quality content, increasing your chances to rank on search engines like Google.

Doing more

But to get to the sweet spot, your content needs to be shared on social media. Whether you're a business or individual, the key to success on social media is being constantly visible. You need lots of content for your followers - and that means posting often.

To do this, you need to supplement your content creation with documentation, and instead of creating content from scratch, you can repurpose existing material using the Content Pyramid Strategy.

This strategy is a proven content model by Gary Vaynerchuck who simply repurposes his keynotes into 30+ pieces of content, resulting in over 35,000,000 total views.

You need to create one piece of content, analyze and repurpose it into other pieces of content that are designed to over index on the platforms they are distributed to.

Document Pillar Content

Video is the best pillar content to start with. This can be a vlog, a show, an interview, or a slide presentation. If you don't have an existing video material, a long article that went through the Topic Ikigai Framework exercise should be ok.

Repurpose into Micro Content

From the pillar content create short-form pieces of content like shorter articles, memes, images, quotes, stories, mashups, remixes, rants, GIFS.

Distribute Across Social Media

Distribute all content on relevant social platforms. And remember to go native. Just because Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest have overlapping functions doesn't mean they attract the same audiences or value the same things. Some networks are designed for short and pithy content, others for artsy photos. To make your content succeed on social media, you need to understand what kind of content is native to each platform and what its members want to see.

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